Please wait while we load the page...

If you are logged in, the area below accepts a local project ID number. Provide the project number and click 'Load Transcription'. If you are not logged in, you can provide your project URI and click 'Load Transcription'. This will give you the ability to browse the images and transcription of your project. Tools will not be available and transcription changes will not be saved.

You may provide the URI of any IIIF Presentation API 2.1 Manifest. However, the software expects that all resources and Annotations are resolved and embedded. If they are instead referenced, then you will not see them load here. We are working to provide a standalone transcription viewer with TPEN3. Likewise, you may paste the entire resolved Manifest object here. The TPEN software has the same expectation of embedded resources.

CTRL+SHIFT Use Peek-Zoom to get a closer look at the line you are on.

Please wait while we load the transcription interface.

Return to Transcribing: ESC or double-click

Zoom in: + Zoom out: -


Edit Columns
Click and drag to place
Drag the edges of an existing column.
Click a column to remove all its lines and transcription data. This is a destructive process and cannot be undone.
Click to remove all transcription data and lines from this page. The page will then be automatically re-parsed, which will create new columns.
Edit Lines
Click within the shaded area to define the bottom of the new line.
Trouble seeing the ruler? Change the color below.
Click and drag the right side of the line to contain the line accurately.
Click within the shaded area to merge the highlighted lines.
Click within the shaded area to delete the last line of a column. Deleting a line also removes its associated transcription information..

Commonly used terms in this application include

A single image and supporting interface. Some source images may contain partial or multiple folios.
Collection of images designated for a specific group of users. Defaults to all images within a selected manuscript, but may be altered.
Collection of images on a repository. Often, but not necessarily exemplary of the artifact document.
Collection of users associated with a single project. Group membership is controlled by a Group Leader.
Entity intended to represent the human connected to a T‑PEN account. Users login with the e-mail address associated with the T‑PEN account and are displayed to others by a first initial and last name.
Usually referring to the textual data associated with an image region. Transcription metadata include specific location, date of creation, and associated image data.
Transcription Area
Refers to the white textarea region where the user enters transcription text.
Parsing/Column Editing
Describes the automatic or manual process of logically splitting a page into rectangular regions to designate individual lines for transcribing. Changes to parsing are saved in the history of a transcription.
Previous versions of transcriptions. Changes made to textual and parsing data are recorded.
Special Characters
Custom-coded buttons that automatically enter a unicode character (typically one not included on the user's keyboard) into the transcription area.
Typically refers to XML Tag objects customized on the Button Management page. May also refer to Special Character objects in the same location. "Buttons" may also used in the generic sense to refer to a graphically distinct, clickable region which invokes an expected action.
Keyboard Shortcuts

Support for most browsers includes the following simple shortcuts:

Insert the corresponding special character at the cursor location.
Jump to the first line of the current page.
Move forward through lines of transcription.
Move backward through lines of transcription.
Top of Page
Quickly jump to the first line of the current page.
Close any open tool & return to fullscreen transcription.
Hold both to use the peek-zoom, which scales the bounded area to fill the screen.
While Inspecting
+ or -
Each keystroke will adjust the magnification of the tool by .4x to fine tune the image result.
Browser Fullscreen
Toggle fullscreen, eliminating browser and desktop toolbars.
custom characters and XML tags
Custom Character Entry
To use Custom Characters
  1. Expand the Characters tray
  2. Click on the desired character to insert it on the text field.
Edit the Custom Characters
Click the Edit button on the expanded Custom Characters drawer
XML Tag Entry
XML tags can always be hand-encoded by the user as they transcribe but XML Tags can be set up for ease of insertion.
To use XML Tags
Expand the XML Tag drawer
Highlight the text and click the desired XML tag button in the XML Tag tray to wrap the tag around the selection.
Insert as you type by clicking the XML tag button, adding the opening tag at the cursor and put a closing tag reminder in the bottom right of the transcription text entry box.
To close the tag, place the cursor at the desired end point and click the reminder. Use the "x" to dismiss unwanted reminders.
viewing options
View the page image
To hide the work space to see the image hold ALT+CTRL. While viewing, you can drag the image around with your mouse. Release the keys to restore the screen.
To view parts of the image under magnification click the Inspect button. Once in the inspect view you can use + and - to change the magnification. Press ESC to return to the transcription view.
To quickly fill the screen with the line being transcribed hold CTRL+SHIFT. This will enlarge the line being transcribed to fill the viewing window above the tool bar. Release the keys to restore the screen.
split screen tools
Import Text
Upload a file for manual or automatic linebreaking.
Line History
Lists the previous saved versions of the line boundaries and transcription text. Mouseover the history entries to reveal options to revert to a previous version.
Preview Transcription
Reveal the transcription text on the previous, current, and following pages. Edit text in the transcription workspace or within the tool.
Compare Pages
View other pages from this project. Use the inspection tool to take a closer look.
Cappelli Abbreviations
A. Cappelli's Lexicon Abbreviaturarum for Latin and Italian abbreviations.
page tools
Image Controls
These tools are designed to allow the user to manipulate the image to facilitate legibility. All these adjustments are superficial and will not persist.
Presents the image as a grayscale image
Presents the image with its color inverted.
A slider tool to raise and lower the brightness of the image. Note: not supported by Safari.
A slider tool to raise and lower the contrast of the image. Note: not supported by Safari.
column controls
Show Lines
Toggle the text column lines on and off.
Show Labels
Toggle the text letter/number labels next to each line on and off.
Change Line Color
Click to change the color of the lines and labels to improve visibility.
Edit Columns
Open the column editing/parsing interface to adjust and edit the columns and lines.
Location Flag
Shows the label for the current page.
Jump to page
Select any page in the current project.
Previous Page
Next Page
Step through the project one page at a time.
Shows the SharedCanvas Manifest for this project.{projectID}
Shows the SharedCanvas Manifest for this project.{projectID}
Go directly to project management for this project.{projectID}
Go directly to the transcription interface for this project.{projectID}
View or Manipulate the users associated with this project.

Linebreak Existing Transcription

This project has text stored for linebreaking:
no text stored
Insert Text Here
Upload New File
Preview Automatic Linebreaks
  1. Navigate to a line to start;
  2. Insert Text as a block; or
  3. Enter a linebreak string to attempt automatic linebreaking; and
  4. Press Enter to move all text following the cursor down to the next line.
*At the end of the page, the remaining text will be saved for use on the next page.
Begin by uploading some text to linebreak
Image Controls
Column Controls
Keyboard Shortcuts
View/Move Image CTRL+ALT: hold to temporarily hide the workspace and drag around your page image
Peek-Zoom CTRL+SHIFT: peek-zoom into the current line of transcription

Data Error

There was an issue saving some of your data. Please refresh the page to resume your activity. If you continue to see this error please contact the T‑PEN Admin.

Accept IPR Agreement

Please read and accept the IPR agreement below to access . You only need to do this once.

Click the page to return

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